Dina Content : Je n'ai jamais arrêté de dessiner - MoGA

Dina Content: I never stopped drawing

Exclusive Interview Dina Content: I Never Stopped Drawing

Drawing has always been a part of your life. How has it evolved and marked your career over the years?

I think drawing is part of everyone's life, some have simply stopped, I continued! My style has evolved according to my tastes. I started with manga and anime, I went through a more realistic phase, and today, I'm returning to my first loves.

Today, you make a living from your art, which is a dream for many. How did you manage to turn this passion into a viable career?

I'm starting to have regular commercial projects, especially thanks to my work on social networks. But I mainly live from freelancing in video. I'm gradually making the transition, mainly thanks to my audience.

What are your sources of inspiration in everyday geek art?

My inspirations come from everything I watch and listen to on a daily basis: music, movies, anime... I try to capture what I like in these works and transcribe it into my work. It may be a bit abstract, but it works for me!

You are a big fan of manga and Pokémon. How do these universes influence your artistic style?

I draw a lot of inspiration from the Japanese style, especially the elegance of the minimalist line that goes to the essential. In works like Pokémon , Dragon Ball or Naruto , the lines are simple but effective in rendering volumes and expressions. I try to draw inspiration from them, even if I am still far from the level of these masters, haha!

Have you found your signature style? How would you describe it to someone discovering your work?

I don't really feel like I have a defined style, but apparently, those who come across my profile detect one. As for my creative process, it's quite chaotic. It can start from an emotion, from a photo on Pinterest... It's very organic.

Do you have any idea how many hours you spent drawing in 2024?

No idea, but with the animation I recently started, I think I'm spending even more time on my tablet!

What would you like people to feel or take away when they see your illustrations?

In my own way, I would like to contribute to the normalization of the representation of black characters in anime/manga. I talk about it a lot on social media, but I hope that one day it will no longer even be a topic.

You have managed to build a solid community on social networks (nearly 40K on TikTok, more than 75K on Instagram). What is your secret?

I think it's mostly my videos that have attracted attention, more than my drawing style itself. The thoughts around creation touch a lot of people. It also allows me not to get bored by having freedom of style.

Dina Content Youtube

How do you manage to make social networks a real source of income as an artist?

I haven't found the magic recipe yet, haha! We need to diversify our sources of income: partnerships, TikTok remuneration, sale of works on MoGA, Patreon... There are plenty of levers to activate, but it takes time.

What advice would you give to a young artist starting out today?

Young or old, the important thing is to do what really speaks to us. That's what matters most, in my opinion.

Dina Content

The worst thing you can say to an artist?

Hard to say, it depends on each person and what touches our ego. What hurts some may do nothing to others.

And on the contrary, the best compliment that can be given to you about your work?

I detach myself quite a bit from my creations once they are published. They then belong to those who look at them, everyone receives them in their own way. What touches me the most is when people tell me that they started or got back into drawing thanks to me. Then, I really feel like I have served a purpose.

A fun fact that everyone doesn't know about you?

I'm a HUGE fan of romantic TV movies, especially the ones that air in the afternoon on Channel 1 or 6. My girlfriend and I watch almost 200 Christmas TV movies every year, and we rank the top 10. Don't get me started on that, I could talk about it for hours, haha!

Do you have any current projects or collaborations that you can tell us about?

Not really at the moment, I'm pretty disorganized! But I would like to do an artbook in the future. It's not a priority, but it's something that tempts me.

What made you want to collaborate with MoGA?

MoGA offers a great offer with quality paintings, and the curation of artists, all united around geek references, spoke to me a lot. The team is really cool, it's a change from platforms where you feel like you're just a number.

Finally, what would you say to an artist to convince them to join MoGA?

If you want to work with a human-sized company that offers quality products and really showcases your creations, this is the ideal place!

If you want to know more about Dina Content, you can follow her adventures on her Insta .