Hans Zimmer : Le Génie des Bandes Originales de Nos Univers Geek - MoGA

Hans Zimmer: The Genius of Original Soundtracks of Our Geek Universes

I don't talk enough about music here, even though it's very closely related to all the topics we cover: video games, movies, anime, even manga! We've all had a little song in our heads while reading a manga, right? (Come on, admit that you've already imagined a DBZ song while reading DBZ!)

The Genius Behind Unforgettable Music

Today I'm going to make up for it by telling you about the genius who composed some of the most memorable soundtracks of all time. You probably know these songs:

These three masterpieces were composed by the same person: Hans Zimmer .

A Prolific Composer

And he didn't just do these three, far from it! You can add to his list of films like:

  • Dune
  • Gladiator
  • Inception
  • The Dark Knight (the entire trilogy)
  • The Rock (an incredible gem)
  • And many more...

Hans Zimmer in Paris in 2025

If, like me, you love these films and their music, know that Hans Zimmer will be in Paris for a single date on November 21, 2025 at La Défense Arena. Yeah, it's in a year and a half, but if you're excited, start watching the ticket office because it could go very quickly!

The Best Music of Hans Zimmer

To immerse yourself even more in the world of this genius, here is a playlist with the best Hans Zimmer soundtracks:

Get Ready for an Epic Concert

This will be an opportunity to experience live these musics that have marked our lives as geeks, movie buffs, and even gamers. Hans Zimmer is a master who transcends universes and makes each scene even more intense and memorable thanks to his unique compositions.

See you tomorrow for more adventures. Ciao!