Le crossover Naruto x Tortues Ninja : Les détails et la date de sortie - MoGA

Naruto x Ninja Turtles Crossover: Details and Release Date

Naruto and the Ninja Turtles: An Unexpected Encounter

What's that? It's funny this mania that the Ninja Turtles have for squatting in the universe of others. We already had the Ghostbusters, Batman, and now Naruto! Which, by the way, is perhaps the most coherent, at least we stay in the theme of ninjas.

However, the beginning of the story seems a little curious, since April O'Neil must meet Tsunade , Hokage of the Leaf Village, to give her confidential information on Professor Stockman 's mutation research. So why not, but this case still puts her far from New York, especially since she is a regular journalist; her job is to get information from sources, not the other way around. But let's move on.

And besides, who pays for the ticket? Is it TV6? Are there planes in Naruto?

An explosive meeting

Anyway, this meeting will interest Naruto and his little friends, but also the Foot Clan . Yes, the Foot Clan, these ninjas with a footprint on their face. I'll have to look into why, one day when I have time.

Anyway, it's incredible how much I get lost every 5 minutes, I'm not going to get to the end! So I'll summarize for you: April, Tsunade, RDV, Naruto, Foot Clan . Logical continuation, Kawabunga, the Ninja Turtles arrive for 4 volumes, it comes out on November 13!

To learn more

If you want to know more about this unexpected collaboration, don't hesitate to consult this article from MDCU Comics and this article from Gamekult which delve into the details of this adventure.