L'Incroyable Aventure de Thibault et de ses Figurines

The Incredible Adventure of Thibault and his Figurines

You agree with me, right? There is something special between geeks and their possession of physical objects. We are talking here about a population of great collectors, with a real need to possess tangible things, whether it is games, LEGO, or figurines. The attachment can be super strong, sometimes on the edge of what is reasonable... and sometimes, clearly not reasonable at all.

The Urban Adventure of a Forgotten Backpack

Imagine this: last week, a guy I suggest calling Thibault (maybe it's not his real name, but let's go with Thibault) forgot his backpack on the RER D. So far, nothing but the most banal, everyday news. But where many of us would have tried our luck at the lost and found office, Thibault chose innovation, audacity!

Because, you see, there were two figurines in that backpack: Yoda and Groot, 3D printed, and Titi, he doesn't abandon his figurines. They're precious. So Thibault has the good... no, sorry, the brilliant idea of ​​alerting the authorities by declaring that his bag contained uranium. Yes, Thibault is a lord, of the champion race.

Chaos in the RER D

And it's very well thought out, because a bag of uranium, you know that everyone will look for it and above all, they won't detonate it. And that's exactly what happened: general panic at the RATP, the train is emptied and diverted to another station, a team of firefighters specialized in nuclear risk is mobilized. And the bag is found.

Still, the plan wasn't completely foolproof because little Thibault is now in custody and has probably taken a taser or two. But you can't take away from him the audacity he showed to get his two precious figurines back.


Thibault can be a bit of a jerk too, but his story reminds us how attached we geeks can be to our collections. What’s the craziest thing you’d do to get something you cherish back? Share your stories in the comments!