Max Graire : tatoueur et dessinateur, un parcours entre street art et culture pop - MoGA

Max Graire: tattoo artist and designer, a journey between street art and pop culture

Exclusive Interview: Artistic Journey and Universe

Could you tell us about your background?

I spent 12 years working at Disneyland Paris, and then one day, I decided to drop everything to fully pursue my artistic career. Today, I am both a drawing artist, I participate in street art projects, and I am also a tattoo artist. A real mix of worlds!

If you had to describe your artistic world to my grandmother, what would you tell her?

If I told your grandmother I was doing "scribbling." She would probably say, "What?" Basically, it's a fancy word for scribbling over and over again until I get the picture I want.

What were the most significant milestones in your career?

At first, I worked for a big company in a customer relations department. And then one day, I had the opportunity to exhibit in a restaurant. I made about thirty drawings for the occasion. Once the exhibition was set up, the owner called me to tell me that customers were interested in my work. That's when everything changed.

What motivated you to combine drawing, tattooing and pop culture in your work?

Honestly, when you're an artist and you want to make a 100% living from it, you often have to wear multiple hats. Tattooing had been attracting me for a while, and the idea of ​​working on a living medium, like skin, really excited me.

Is there a project or work that you are particularly proud of? Why this one in particular?

There are two projects that come to mind: the portrait of Rossy de Palma, which was given to him on stage during his show, and that of Pablo Picasso, which his grandson received. Seeing my works arrive in their hands was a real moment of pride!

How do you choose the geek or pop icons you draw?

I mainly draw characters or subjects that speak to me personally. If it touches me, I tell myself that it can also touch others.

In terms of inspiration, where do you find it? Does it change often or do you have sources that have always followed you?

I find a lot of inspiration in cinema, but also in everyday life. I live my life and sometimes an idea comes to me, an inspiration is born almost spontaneously.

What is your ultimate method for finding inspiration?

If only I knew her! There are days when it's a blank page... But spending time with my family helps me to refocus and, often, it puts me back in the creative flow.

Do you think your style will continue to evolve over time? Are there any current trends that inspire you and make you want to innovate?

It's certain that my style will evolve. Sometimes, I look at my old drawings and I realize how much I've progressed. Practice refines the line, and I didn't think I would evolve so much. I'm convinced that it will continue in this direction. Besides, new projects are pushing me more and more to get out of my comfort zone.

Your journey is unique... Do you think it has given you a different perspective on art compared to other artists?

I think every artist has their own vision of art. That's what makes the art world so rich and varied. It's the diversity of perspectives that makes there so many different talents.

If you could give advice to a young artist starting out, what would it be?

Practice, practice, practice! Don't be afraid to fail. It's rare that everything works the first time, but you have to persevere. One day, you meet your audience, and at that moment, you must not rest on your laurels. You have to continue to surprise.

Do you have any current or upcoming projects you can tell us about? Collaborations, exhibitions?

I will be exhibiting in several restaurants and also at the Pathé cinema in Grenoble. And soon, I will be participating in an event at the Minimistan in Grenoble, the Pastup Festival, an urban collage festival.

What made you want to collaborate with MoGA?

I won an Xbox in their first contest, and that's when we said, "Hey, we could work together." Result: I won twice!

And finally, what would you say to an artist to convince them to join the MoGA adventure?

Do you like geek art? Do you appreciate cool people? Then come to MoGA! You create, you paint, you do what you love, and MoGA takes care of the rest.