Secret Level : Une Nouvelle Série des Créateurs de "Love, Death & Robots"

Secret Level: A New Series from the Creators of “Love, Death & Robots”

Secret Level: The New Series from the Creators of Love, Death & Robots

If you liked Love, Death & Robots , I have great news for you! The creators are back with a brand new series called Secret Level . This time, they immerse us in the world of video games, exploring 16 legendary licenses.

An Innovative Concept

The series will follow the codes that made LDR a success: episodes that are independent of each other, produced in a variety of styles. But the big difference here is the total immersion in the world of video games. We're talking about licenses such as:

  • Warhammer
  • God of War
  • Unreal Tournament
  • Pac-Man
  • Mega Man
  • And many more! In fact, there are almost 16 legendary licenses.

A Bold Bet

Obviously, bringing together so many licenses in one place gives off a little Ready Player One side that is quite intriguing. Far be it from me to criticize this film, it was fun once, but I don't want to relive an entire series in the same vein. I hope that each universe will be truly worked on, and that each episode will offer an authentic story from its own universe, rather than simple fan service.

Learn More

To learn more about the series and its development, you can consult these articles:

Watch the Teaser

To give you an idea of ​​what awaits you, here is the official teaser for Secret Level :

On Your Agenda

Secret Level is coming out in December on Prime Video . We'll know at that time how good this new TV adventure is. In the meantime, stay tuned for more information. Ciao!