Let the golden age of geek art begin 👾

MoGA is above all the story of two friends, Valentin and Dimitri, brought together by a shared and deep passion for geek art and culture. We grew up with these worlds, collectors at heart and creators at heart. MoGA is the desire to pay tribute to these two worlds that have always driven us, to show that geek art deserves the same recognition as other forms of artistic expression.

The geek universe, too often associated with outdated clichés, is much larger and more powerful. Geek culture is not limited to computer screens in dark basements: today it is a true mosaic of talents and shared stories, inspiring all generations. Who today does not know the Avengers, has never thrilled to the latest Marvel, or has never played Zelda? This culture that surrounds us and unites us deserved a tribute, a place of honor in art.

With MoGA, we want to open this door so that everyone can become a geek art collector, so that geek art finds its place in homes and in the physical art world. By selecting the most talented artists of our generation, we create together unique works, in limited editions, so that everyone can start or enrich a collection that resonates with their own journey.

Today, MoGA is this platform dedicated to geek art, certified and exclusive, where each piece is a tribute to geek creativity and imagination. So, let the golden age of geek art begin! 👾